
Distance Education

Off-campus schooling, often known as distance training or external research, supplies a possibility for you to research if you are unable to attend college attributable to work, family commitments or other reasons.

Distance training means that you can prepare your research round your work and family commitments. Your understanding of the subjects you're studying will be enhanced by access to online units, CDROMs, DVDs, text books and other reference material. Assist and communication between lecturers and college students is obtainable through e mail, on-line discussions and chat, phone, and on campus intensive schools. UNE offers web-primarily based amenities which allow you to ship questions, submit assignments, order library books, verify your grades and access different resources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

UNE has an extended historical past of teaching in this mode so our distance education schemes are profitable because we understand the issues and needs of off-campus college students and supply intensive support techniques to beat those challenges.

Every subject (unit) that you enrol in requires approximately 15 hours of research per week, with the same old load for distance college students being two items per semester. Before enrolling as a distance education student, rigorously contemplate your time and your skill to balance family, work and social commitments with the calls for of study. Successful examine would require a high level of discipline and commitment.