
Open Distance Learning and training - access to higher education in developing countries

A common challenge for developing economies or the lack of access to higher education for the development of human capital needed. For example, in Nigeria universities sub-sector with 1.1 million people, with about 75% of them with the minimum academic requirements to sit for the annual national college entrance examination organized, while the existing universities in Nigeria can only absorb about 220,000 new entrants. One can imagine the deficit andthe backlog of applicants this year, which is thrown into the education system to the market the opportunity to promote their careers.

In reality, this crisis in education and supplies, prompting the government to bridge the gap between the demand, the Nigerian government has taken over the years into a series of steps, the main intermediate 1999 and 2007. The government has realized that they could not meet the educational needs of the nation,invited the private sector in providing education to universities. Consequently 1999-2007 thirty-four private universities were established by the government with 15 of their license in 2005. The number of private universities increased to 41 in 2009.

these measures, the imbalance between supply and demand in higher education exist with, because private institutions of higher education together account for only 5% of the total number of studentsin the Nigerian university system with 27 universities, the Federal Office for about 70% of the total number of students. efforts were learning together from 2008 to the time of writing this article to engage the border cross-border cooperation in education and open distance learning. The University Commission then six universities identified on the dual-mode and single-mode universities for this project.

This approach has been faced with a series of workshops on e-learning that focuses on teaching the use of electronic media and devices to the Internet for large classes. These pioneers selected teachers of these colleges now train their colleagues, such as online classes. This project if successful is the preparation of the six institutes of distance education mode to record 50,000 students each individual can enroll 100,000 students.

The training focused on some majorly mode is selected to provide> Curriculum, using synchronous and asynchronous technologies as a means for the attainment of students. Most of these technologies in online course / project is covered by these categories.

the use of synchronous technologies in Titus and a messaging tool

Web-based VoIP
Video conferencing
Web conferencing

asynchronous technologies

Message Boards / Forums
Video cassettes / DVD

The seminar / course covers the useComputer and the Internet to access the contents of the supply can and smeared as an "blended", with content available electronically and remotely. The participants learned their students to fit new design and, of course, online distance learning courses. A model for study and design of a model online course for the different fields of study were introduced to be adapted for participants the unique characteristics of their students learn to adapt.



Distance education and traditional education?

We've never been in a competitive position over time that if you do not have a diploma or a degree of some kind, you are asked to be left alive. You decide to go online or on campus. I pursued my bachelor-online career as one of the best decisions I have, and I never wanted to change the first minute to the campus or distance learning.

First, the on-line learning gives me more flexibility andComfort in all areas. My college allows me to force my goals of time, but I can come and work for my daily life, including my regular job during the day and evenings for family life. It 's really taught me self-discipline and time management. Also, I have on my studies to earn, while still a salary and pay the bills.

Secondly, the online learning has allowed me to put into practice the newly learned information. I have it in real life situations, where IWrite letters to my boss and display my skills to better use. This is essential both for my confidence and my salary increased.

In addition, almost all the sounds they need to leave campus for the study is enormous student loans, which, with interest over the years, Take, both frightening and ridiculous. But gone are the days when it was required to be in huge debt, if you wanted a better education. In doing online, even if you take a loan,would be minimal compared to if you would on campus and had a dorm on campus to pay rent or an apartment.

Finally, and most important thing for me was the fact that I was not on my son's life by subjecting him to break for four to five years, this fact about 90% played in my decision-making. It 'was very heart breaking for me to think for himself left him. At the age of six years, how could I say to make it easier, which had left me for a very long time? Iwould not have been possible due to discipline him as I wanted to read and play with him, help him with school work, and more, online learning has allowed me the opportunity to do something. I had the privilege of my parents around me all my life and I was not going to take that privilege from him, even for a diploma.

It may be that with distance learning, you do not need distractions, children and family to manage a job, so it may be morefocused and less tired at the end of the day. However, take into account the need to do most students on campus sometimes finish school and juggling a part-time job just to make ends meet.

E-learning must be as effective as distance learning. You have to give in, do your research and be taken seriously as someone is on campus. With your destination before you, you will end up the same distance were other-your degrees.

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Education Locator for distance learning

The Internet has really changed people's lives to buy. When facing a lot of money to be taken to earn a degree, it is now much cheaper and easier to maintain the same level of schools with online courses. You can only try to distance education institutions by means of an education-Locator.

These schools are in line to reach the poorest young people the opportunity of higher education goals through their own efforts and hard work, becausecan complete their studies to do so with minimal support for parents. The less wealthy families, the budget will have difficulty in supporting the college education of their children have saved this family to claim the huge amount of money - working sons and daughters now manage their graduates earn while working at menial jobs . This is because the cost of an online education is much smaller than the traditional education in previous years.

Until oneStudent knows the computer and the Internet, you may well achieve its objectives of higher education while working for a living. In fact, the children now - learning to the Internet through Internet cafes in Asia, which is a thriving business knowledge for the lower classes of society - even the poorest families.

The cafes are also the market for older models of computers that have been removed gradually shifting from manufacturers such as newer models havehave come to the market. Somehow, the big older computer use in internet cafes proliferate hour for use of the masses. These people have individual computers in their homes.

E 'can also continue their studies by using only the online internet cafes. poor students do not really regularly on their computers, just pay the reasonable hourly rates in cafes, and can "visit" their courses online.

Athat excels in online education is as good as the traditional high school graduate - if not better. While the business world is now very much the use of the Internet in their business operations, one who Graduated from its training online, even at a great advantage over the traditional school. Online training has undergone in his studies, his computer and the Internet has matured over the years.

Feel free to go to college becauseYour people do not have the money to support your studies? Do not despair - try to distance learning - it is really hard to do your degree in this way. All it takes is your willingness to work hard on your degree - of course with so much self-discipline.

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Considerations in distance education for the medical assistant instructor

Medical Assistant distance education is emerging in the century demands of a new generation of students in the twenty-first. S. Augustine Medical Assistant School distance education for medical assistant presents a good model for the integration of technology with the training of medical assistants. Distance learning, especially in its most recent form, online education, will also integratecautious and conservative of educational institutions. But the impact of these alternative forms of teaching and learning for students, teachers and institutions under investigation too wide or deep. New models, such as S. Augustine Medical Assistant School dive. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is available at: http://www.medicalassistant.us

Distance learning is not new and can be followed from the first century as the. The apostle Paul wrotefor the early Christian churches, instructing them at a distance (even though it was under house arrest in Rome). This was probably the first type of 'distance education', the phone was the only method of distance learning, until the advent of. Today, distance learning and in particular online medical assistant instruction calls a wide range of technologies to enable students to medical assistant instructor and medical assistants,Distance contracts are separated by communicating in real time (synchronous) or delayed (asynchronous). Currently and asynchronous model to teach at St. Augustine Medical Assistant School as an assistant to medical students. This has been studied as a very effective model however the medical assistant program at present the benefits of synchronous online medical assistant education and the benefits it may have for medical assistantStudent.

Medical Assistant distance education embodies the transition from a learning institution to a more direct approach of the students. As a concept, distance learning has existed for over a century, especially in the basic form of distance education paper, including the less formal correspondence for physician assistants. But now, distance education is increasingly dependent on technology for its success and technologicalInnovations ensure that distance learning for the medical assistant developed further and grow as a valid and effective force in all areas of training for the medical assistant.

The object of the medical assistant distance educator is therefore to overcome these environmental problems as much as possible mixing techniques, creating and maintaining a stimulating and provides opportunities for students attending physician and communicate regularly with the support teachers. Nurse educators also need to change their traditional role as well. Many medical assistant students at a distance require a high level of social support and medical assistant distance educators may find themselves spending more time with one-to-one tutorials and lessons in less time. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School http://www.MedicalAssistant.us out today's technology in the medical assistant > Education.

In the design assistant educational systems and materials for medical assistant distance in the delivery of medical assistant teacher must not only learning outcomes, but also focused requirements and technical conditions for the medical assistant. Considerations include the needs, characteristics and individual differences of the two students, educators and future medical assistants.

Medical assistant distance> Education for the nurse then should not be regarded as a low cost means but as an opportunity to raise standards. It is also a medical assistant-quality learning opportunities for those who for one reason or another, have so far been excluded from this fundamental right. Medical Assistant distance education has become the standard quick wizard and not the exception to the first century, medicine and winds. S. Augustine MedicalAssistant distance education school for medical assistant presents a good model for the integration of technology with the training of medical assistants. Www.medicalassistant.us the St. Augustine Medical Assistant model can be verified.

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The Benefits of Online Distance Learning and Getting an Online Distance Learning Education

Online learning offers the quality of conventional on-site classes combined with the flexibility that allows individuals to attain or continue their education despite their busy lives. For many people, a traditional classroom setup simply will not work because of challenges with time and schedule. This is why a growing number of students are choosing online distance education.

As many students have found that online classes can easily fit into hectic schedules filled with family and job commitments, the enrolment for learning has been steadily growing every year. Indeed, online learning education is very attractive because it offers students the convenience of choosing not only when to take their lessons but also where to study and this has encouraged thousands of people to earn a certification or degree online.

Online distance learning is a practical and clever way to attain almost any college degree with numerous learning education programs offering hundreds of different courses. College majors from online schools span the gamut from business and management to information technology and even criminal justice and social sciences, helping to set students toward various professional goals.

Likewise, a person can earn all types of college degrees through distance programs from Associate Degrees and Bachelor's Degree to Master's and even Doctoral degrees. Certification programs are widespread even during the order have been completed in much shorter time frame by conventional means. With a wide range of options for distance learning, students can easily find the program in the grass, that's their career goals is required.

There are too many schools that can provide months of online distance learning as a short film which can be completed in ten, so that working students to continue with their career goals faster. In online learning> Education in developing countries are the classes that include timetables for the various classes are there day and night, so that students keep their jobs or take care of other issues.

Besides being an excellent choice for busy people who want to go to school to get back up, distance learning online address other practical issues. Online Distance the challenge to participate in the traditional school, geographical or physical disabilities are provided. Also able to studyat home means there are no travel costs for students to worry about. Most online distance learning programs have flexible financial aid options to help students finance their educations.

In addition, the popularity of distance learning education has made it easy for students to locate a program that has been accredited by the professional industry association. This means, students can expect quality education from distance learning programs. It is not a far-fetched idea that online distance education is the future of learning.

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Distance Learning Degrees - What do employers think of them?

With the ability to continue working, caring for a family, and to receive quality education without moving, learning degrees have continued to increase in popularity away. Unfortunately, the Internet also offers a place to germinate for making fake diploma mills money from the sale of fake degrees. In a 2003 report, USA Today says 400 such businesses are currently on the rise in use, and the number of these companies continue to make questionableabout 500 million dollars a year.

But despite all the negative talk on the value of qualifications in distance education, as colleges and universities offer many valuable learning online degrees and diplomas. Students and teachers are held to the same standard of educational quality as those in traditional classes. The method is simply an alternative for people who otherwise have no opportunity to acquire a degree. Online courses, online videospractice exams and even on-line library facilities, conferences to ensure students actually earn their degree in higher education. Unfortunately, many potential employers on the wrong grade and tend to believe an online degree is of lesser importance.

For the misinformation, the accreditation agencies are 6 Education approved by the weed on the National Board, the false unscrupulous programs. Then give the accreditation agencies and universitiesUniversities that meet the minimum requirements for legitimate educational institutions. And Education Council (DETEC) and especially for schools of distance education accreditation. DETEC has the support of both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the Department of Education. Distance Thus, coordinated training were students who secured her, and often exceeded that of their traditionalPari.

For students looking for specific programs of specialization are available to various organizations to assess the degree of excellence of these distance learning and provide the necessary accreditation to qualifying schools. For example, accounting programs reviewed and approved by the International Association for Management Education and health programs, in response to assessments of the American Health Management Association. Only accredited agencies CHEA or the Department of Education has the option of granting institutional accreditation.

Why should a student be concerned about the accreditation of educational institutions? It 's basically to ensure everyone receives the same quality education, both in classes on campus or distance learning degree search. Before granting accreditation for online degree programs, the agency assesses whether the essential requirements for the support> Education and learning facilities are available. In addition, specialized programs must submit curriculum evaluated based on predetermined standards of the specialty, regardless of university or

Distance learning degrees from accredited institutions assure graduates, parents and prospective employers any degree earned is well deserved. The work completed has met the standard to adequately prepare people in their main field of study.On the contrary, it also means colleges and universities not granted accreditation do not meet the standards of performance required. Yet, for the student who is required only in classes in a field of specialization, needs only the courses that all important seal of approval.

In the end it totally to potential employers to decide whether to hire an individual with a degree of distance education. With skepticism on the part of all diploma mills influence a fake, it's no wonder thatbe more careful. Therefore, if the accreditation is provided by a trusted and respected, the application for a job is less likely to be repealed. Instead, he more likely to be found in a second interview or a final selection for a job stack.



Distance Education is now training for next Genertation Medical Assistant

Some people call it free distance learning for medical assistance. Distance Learning happens wherever the student is no longer available, free of the traditional boundaries of geography. Could the next room, or in the next state. Use whatever technology is available and appropriate to allow effective learning wherever needed.
You change the rules. Now, you and your colleagues, students more able to adapt and use your newly acquiredKnowledge for your real-world challenges immediately. laboratory work is done at your site.

Typical methods of distance learning programs for Medical Assistant and other schools are:

One-way video / audio two-way satellite

A two-way audio and video conferencing

Multiple users Audio Conferencing

World Wide Web-based access to educational programs

Internet and email-based distributed education programs

Online workshopsinnovative distance learning (awarded to the Assistant medical student)

A key element of effective distance learning today is the learning environment. The interaction within this environment can occur through many technical means: e-mail, fax, telephone, two-way video. It 's interesting that this interaction is always asynchronous Qmeaning should not occur simultaneously for all participants.

Medical Assistant distance Edcuationis rapidly becoming the norm and not the 'acceptance of the next generation of physician assistants. The medical assistant that integrate information technology with their ongoing professional training and on-is a great benefit to older students in the classroom modules and settings. The next generation of medical practice-assistants will be taught in distance education and technology to replace the old, traditional medical training in classroom assistants. DetailedInformation on distance learning medical care is now the site of St. Augustine Medical Assistant: www.medassistant.org

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Distance Education, and part-time Executive MBA in India for workers

There is no trace of doubt or ignorance about the revolutionary change that led MBA distance learning system, the '. come bright prospects for individuals and students about life at times has taught the regular course of study and discussion to study in a class. This positive option open are often people who have a hectic work schedule, or even maintain the hope was a betterparallel career in the living labor in the pursuit of these MBA programs. Amity School of Distance Learning in Noida, Bharathidasan University - Center for Distance Education, Alagappa University and Annamalai University (Directorate of Distance Education) in Tamil Nadu, Bharathi University School of Distance Education Coimbatore and Bharati Vidyapeeth University Pune are some of the great colleges and universitiesprovides teaching materials for distance learning MBA programs.

With the advent of new technology, where a radical change in format and approach to learning is a paradigm. front doors are widely used by prestigious universities and institutions committed to students and professionals who have an overwhelming desire, their dream through a scientific part-time MBA to meet in India. This is because there are some advantages of significant value to every studentCare of a rich rock-platform, a secure job to pursue this part-time MBA programs for research. These courses are honest positively true that students already have some experience working with businesses and management. They can develop their leadership skills and further burden to a better job in the future. In addition to the cost of the course is also in these programs as affordable courses than full-time MBA.

It isIn this day an Executive MBA in no doubt that India can never be taken with a trivial note, especially when a person's desire, a manager, experienced leader, administrator, business owner, or even a board member for conducting program to have those rates. These people can cultivate their leadership qualities, and take a train to official duties by this extensive executive MBA courses, which are in high demand in those days. Symbiosis Centre forManagement and Human Resource Development (SCMHRD) in Pune, Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship (Xime) in Bangalore, Faculty of Management (FMS Delhi) in Delhi / NCR, and the School of Management are in Hyderabad Deccan for the transmission of an Executive MBA terminating their students after completing the duration of the course a success.

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What is distance learning?

Distance learning is a field of education, technology, focused on the use and educational systems designed to provide on-site training for students who are not physically. Rather than attending courses in person, teachers and students have a choice in their time through the electronic or print media. Training can be delivered in real time with new technology that enables communication with them.

MiscellaneousFormat is the education for this type of non-traditional learning. This can be conducted as correspondence classes by mail or Internet-based classes that can be delivered synchronously or asynchronously exist. Many schools are using broadcast distance learning, which is provided the content for radio or television. Often, a CD-ROM is provided, in which the student interacts with computer content stored on the disk.

technology to expand distance learninga very fast speed. Many people choose this style of learning for its convenience and speed. Online students can work at their own pace and often faster than traditional students to close. As educational institutions to expand their sites, as the population ages and as advances in technology requires a greater need for worker re-training schools are increasingly providing a different type of students in order to stay ahead and serve their communities.

AlthoughThe technology is an integral part of distance learning, every successful program, students must focus on the need to teach, instead of the technology on himself. It 'important to examine the systems for their age, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, interest and experience, educational background and familiarity with the methods of distance learning and delivery. Students usually adapt more quickly than their teachers to new technologies. On the other hand,Teachers have begun to feel comfortable with the device not mind having their students teach them new tricks and tips. The most important factor for the success of distance education is a cure, the teacher concerned, that is safe, experienced, well with the device uses the media creatively, and maintains a high level of interactivity with students.

The interest in online education is particularly high in areas where students are being widely distributed.Each region has developed its own form of distance learning education in accordance with local resources, target audience, and the philosophy of the organizations provide. Many institutions now offer courses for motivated people to help themselves through self-study courses. Students can be given to their work with educational materials, print media and postal services, some form of teleconferencing and / or electronic networks, and tutor support coursesand tutors by phone or e-mail. St. Augustine Medical Assistant School is the institution http://www.medassistant.org currently using this technology, the medical assistant and train workers of the moor.

The number of distance learning programs available online is enormous and growing every day. Likewise, the number of schools and colleges that offer online education is growing rapidly. In a survey conducted by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, was that "... found by2005, more than 3.2 million students in the program to participate in online learning in higher education in the United States. "The relationship Sloan was recommended on the basis of a survey of high school, says that students generally appear to be at least as satisfied with their classes online as they are with traditional ones. Suitably qualified personnel should be hired to work with students online. These employees must understand not only the content area, but also be verytrained in the use of computers and the Internet. online education is increasing.

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Distance Education

The Directorate of Distance Training established in 1979 presents four hundred and one different programmes of research underneath the Regular Stream. It's credited with the largest enrolment in India and is well outfitted with laptop and other infrastructure, sufficient teaching faculty and administrative set-up of its personal, research centres, pc coaching centres, etc., to serve its college students' clientele of their finest interest at their door steps. It has additionally the unique distinction of offering first in India, Postgraduate Diploma Programmes in Applied Psychology, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Bioinformatics and Regulation by way of Distance Schooling mode. The Directorate of Distance Education can be offering the Programmes on Trend Design, Textile Design, Inside Design, Hotel Administration and Catering Technology Programmes, Retail Management, Twinning Programme, Programmes on Health Science, Commonwealth Youth Programme, Yoga, Music, Fireplace and Safety, Pharmaceutical and Taxation Programmes.

All the programmes of study offered by the Directorate of Distance Training have the approval of the Distance Training Council, New Delhi. The Directorate is introducing B.Ed. Programme by distance education mode from the yr 2008-09 with the approval of National Council for Instructor Schooling, New Delhi.


Distance Education

Off-campus schooling, often known as distance training or external research, supplies a possibility for you to research if you are unable to attend college attributable to work, family commitments or other reasons.

Distance training means that you can prepare your research round your work and family commitments. Your understanding of the subjects you're studying will be enhanced by access to online units, CDROMs, DVDs, text books and other reference material. Assist and communication between lecturers and college students is obtainable through e mail, on-line discussions and chat, phone, and on campus intensive schools. UNE offers web-primarily based amenities which allow you to ship questions, submit assignments, order library books, verify your grades and access different resources, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

UNE has an extended historical past of teaching in this mode so our distance education schemes are profitable because we understand the issues and needs of off-campus college students and supply intensive support techniques to beat those challenges.

Every subject (unit) that you enrol in requires approximately 15 hours of research per week, with the same old load for distance college students being two items per semester. Before enrolling as a distance education student, rigorously contemplate your time and your skill to balance family, work and social commitments with the calls for of study. Successful examine would require a high level of discipline and commitment.


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Distance Education

Distance Education 
Distance education is an education that aims to ship education to students who aren't bodily present. The main benefit of distance training is the scholars reasonably than attending courses individually can talk through internet with the academics at their very own time and may alternate the fabric over the net.
Distance schooling is often termed as versatile learning as one can handle other commitments along with their studies. In Distance training, a person research with attending the faculty campus. There is a bonus as an individual can study from dwelling or in a remote area without having to transfer. There are half time and full time course supplied in distance education. One could select to do your entire course by distance training or choose to do some by distance.
The use of television, radio, and the internet has additional inspired distance education.  The consistent utilization of both computers in addition to web has further made distance studying distribution quick and easy.
The course of  distance studying, or delivering educational useful resource-sharing alternative, to the  locations away from the classroom, constructing or a site, to a different classroom, building or  a site by utilizing audio, video, computer, multimedia relations, or some amalgamation of those with different conservative delivery methods. As the academic establishments increase their campus the inhabitants ages, and because the advance of technology requires a greater want for employee retraining, faculties increasingly need to accommodate to a special kind of scholar so as to stay in front and supply their society.
Distance Education
Distance training can also be beneficial for the students of age over 26 years who largely work full time during the classroom hours. These students require flexible studying schedule. They demand proficient growth alternatives and courses to assist them hold updated with at this time’s ever-changing work surroundings.
Students come to an institution for varied reasons. They might be concerned in altering careers or they could merely wish to increase their data base for work or personal reasons. The principle motive for choosing distance training is that the scholars wish to be taught at their very own place, time, and speed.
Females especially in India normally favor distance-studying training as they have time restriction and different rules. Many of them are single mother and father who need to keep close to house for a various reasons. They won't be capable to afford childcare or should care for a restricted relative at home. Distance education can be helpful for physically handicapped children. Lots of the folks should not have the time, cash, or academic backdrop to come back to campus. Distance schooling can seize an viewers that has been just about unexploited for a lot of years. It makes schooling accessible and accessible even to the agricultural areas of India and is now quick growing.


Distance Education

What does a distance education diploma do?? Nicely a distance education qualification helps folks to get that new job that requires that elusive degree.
Selecting an internet distance schooling diploma

When selecting a web-based diploma many elements have to be considered:

Time - Working individuals have time restraints, however studying on-line might be alot more manageable saving many hours travelling to and from a college campus.
Reputation - A longtime distance studying establishment provides the student with the data they a getting a REAL degree from a top quality institution.
Job prospects - Statistics repeatedly have proven that staff with a degree are highly more likely to get a job and not only earn greater than workers with no diploma, but in addition more more likely to earn promotions periodically.


About The Distance Education Clearinghouse

The Distance Schooling Clearinghouse was launched on the net in 1995. We first appeared as an digital bulletin board within the 1980s. In the early 1990s, we re-tooled our sources to be accessible via the gopher protocol (remember the gopher?!). When the net arrived, there were solely a dozen or so internet sites dedicated to distance training and related topics. We have been one in all them. We have been nonetheless going robust in 2000 and by 2006, our web site was totally redesigned to accommodate a more strong set of resources and added opportunities to suggest new content.

That was then. Because of staffing modifications and a re-directed focus on the companies we provide, The Distance Education Clearinghouse website has not been updated for longer than we might care to admit. Until we once more have the ability to supply a quality, highly maintained and often up to date web site, we're sadly eradicating the positioning that after offered a variety of information about distance education and related resources. We'll miss it.

The Distance Schooling Clearinghouse Convention Database can be being suspended at this time.


Distance Education Universities in India

Please click on a link below to access complete list of Distance Education Universities in the region.
This page features information about various Educational Institutions offering courses in Distance Education / Open University mode in India. Please visit Universities in India for list of Universities offering Regular / Full-time / Part-time courses.
Important Note
It is highly advised that students who wish to enroll into a Distance Education to confirm if the University offering the course if recognized by the Distance Education Council (DEC), New Delhi. Enrolling into courses of universities that are not DEC Recognized might be doing so on their own risk.
The list of Universities presented here is not comprehensive. Please visit State-wise list of Educational Institutions for the Universities that are not mentioned here.


Aims & Scope

Distance Training is a peer-reviewed international journal. It publishes research and scholarly materials within the fields of distance, open and versatile education. Distance Training was one of the first journals printed to focus completely on this area of instructional observe and immediately it remains a major supply of original and scholarly work within the discipline for practitioners, lecturers and students. Distance Education is owned by the Open and Distance Learning Affiliation of Australia, Inc.

All papers are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board with expertise in the areas(s) represented by a paper, and/or invited reviewers with special competence within the space(s) covered. The Editors reserve the fitting to make minor alterations to all papers which can be accepted for publication.

The Open and Distance Studying Affiliation of Australia Inc. and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in its publications. Nonetheless, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any objective of the Content material and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether or not specific or implied to the utmost extent permitted by law. Any views expressed on this publication are the views of the authors and are usually not essentially the views of the Editor, the Society or Taylor & Francis.

Distance education

Distance education, or distance studying, is a field of training that focuses on the pedagogy, technology, and tutorial system designs that aim to ship training to college students who are not physically "on web site" in a standard classroom or campus. It has been described as "a process to create and supply entry to learning when the supply of data and the learners are separated by time and distance, or both."[1] In different words, distance learning is the method of making an academic expertise of equal quality for the learner to best swimsuit their outside the classroom. Distance schooling courses that require a bodily on-web site presence for any reason (together with taking examinations) is taken into account a hybrid or blended course of study. This emerging know-how is turning into widely used in universities and establishments around the globe.[2] With the recent pattern of technological advance, distance learning is changing into extra acknowledged for its potential in offering individualized attention and communication with students internationally. Probably the most widely cited[citation needed] pedagogical principle of distance schooling is that of "transactional distance".